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Fire breathing

Fire breathing is the act of creating a plume or stream of fire from one's mouth. It is a traditional circus skill that involves safely manipulating and extinguishing fuel flames.


Fire breathing has ancient roots as a folk activity practiced in various cultures worldwide. However, incorporating fire breathing into circus and variety arts became popular in the late 19th century.

Circus families and acts like the Zacchini Brothers are credited with pioneering and spreading technical fire breathing skills throughout European and American circus companies.

Initially viewed as exotic and dangerous, fire breathing grew into a staple skill for any aspiring circus sideshow performer to master along with sword swallowing, contortionist etc.


Several key methods exist for creating dramatic fiery displays by safely discharging flammable fuels from the mouth:

Fire Eating : Traditionally, paraffin-based lamp oil is held in the mouth and spit out to create discrete fireballs. Torch juggling or a final fire blast is common. This basic technique is most safely self-taught through gradual experience.

Fire Breathing : Pressurized streams of fuel are spewed forward and lit continuously with the aid of helpers or auto-ignition. Creates impressive sustained plumes of flame and pyro effects. Requires considerable training to avoid risks.

Flash Cotton balls : These specially prepared pyrotechnic cotton poufs flash brightly on contact with a tiny spark or normal breath exhalation. Used by advanced performers for zero risk and versatile fire bursts.


Fire breathing persists as a classic thrill-inducing centerpiece of sideshow acts and circus variety shows. It enables displaying hazardous command of a powerful, primal force for enthrallment.

With ample practice, fire breathers master nuanced technique and psychology to safely cultivate an aura of peril and daring spectacle around a controlled skill.

Notable Artists

  • Theodore the Fire Breathing Fool

  • Tyler Fyre

  • Heidi Herriott

  • Archangel of Albany

The fiery circus arts continue evolving today!